When I made this character before, I glued some lips to the front of the face, but she wasn't all bad. In the above image, I have yet to point drag the leotard, get the proportions straight and revise the head a little. Working from Bill O'Neill's drawings was interesting because they are a nice departure from traditional anime, and it took a little study to see what the model should be. Months later, another attempt was made,...



Comic cover art is notorious for straying from the "model sheet." Action may be wildly different from the story, and the character may have proportions, "power beams" and other characteristics never found in the rest of the book. Three covers for Chassis at all share in common the pin-up aesthetic, with a vengeance.

This was an experiment to add a bodice cleft. It was achieved by magnetting a duplicate of the bust area, making the opening section transparent, and adjusting this to fit, mostly using "smooth," and then "BGConform" welding the duplicated areas to join near the shoulders and abdomen. A final version would have added a zipper along the edge of the collar down to the abdomen.


I should mention that this isn't a "final" model. In order to work quickly, I created a proxy using "Reduce Polygon" in the Custom menu of Tools. This made for faster-refreshing revisions using magnet and a little dragnet. This also points-up one difference between very high-end software packages like MAYA or LIGHTWAVE and INSPIRE. Theoretically, I could press a button to remove the "reduce polygon" operation, and have a "finished" model. With INSPIRE, it behooves me to repeat the same operations with the proxy as a template or skip the "reduce polygon" step and model with slower screen refreshing.

As long as I was revising models, I helped the 64 Thunderbird conform more to the design of Chassis's car "54" by changing the headlights.

By the way, "Chassis" is set in an alternative universe with flying car races, circa 1949.


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